Do you ever look back to see how far you’ve come?
Sometimes … because you’re in the middle of it … you don’t realize how much you’ve accomplished or how much you’ve overcome. As a result,
you don’t give yourself enough credit or take any time to celebrate … even the “small” wins!
Here’s a brief list of some of the amazing things I heard throughout 2021.
Because of Winter Garden Yoga … In 2021, I managed to:
1. Put my pants on without falling over.
2. Play tennis without shoulder pain.
3. Move forward after being stuck in physical therapy.
4. Connect the mental/physical link and overcome obstacles I thought would last a lifetime.
5. Learned the true meaning of “glute activation.”
6. Improved my core strength.
7. Recover quicker when things got “tweaked.”
8. Improve my balance.
9. Get rid of chronic low back and hip pain.
10. Breathe through stressful (very stressful) situations.
Take a second, give it some thought, and fill in the blank for yourself ...
For 2022 my new year's resolution list is:__________________________.
In our next blog, I’ll share some secrets to help your resolutions stick.